Do you or friends of yours have kids with curly hair and nobody knows how best to care for them?
    Does the kids curl routine look like this:

    ❌ knotting  the curls

    ❌  the child is crying

    ❌ the eyes water

    All in all: Is the grooming routine all drama? 🙈 

    👉 Then here are our most helpful tips for Curly Kids curl care! 🤓

    The preparation:

    ✅ Get to know the hair type of the kids, you can use our curl quiz for this

    ✅ Choose the right products for the curl type and special needs

    ✅ Create a curling routine that kids will enjoy and celebrate. Tip: set a curling day, dance in the bathroom with the kids, turn on your favorite music, let the kids choose a hairstyle and reward them after the wash day 🙌

      The washing day:

      ✅ Start  the washing day with a mild shampoo to avoid tears, also make sure that no water runs into the ears

      ✅ Nourish  the curls with a conditioner and detangle them while it takes effect, the Denman Brush is particularly suitable for this

      ✅  Use a deep conditioner occasionally and as needed, the exposure time can be bridged very well with coloring pictures ✍️

      The care & styling:

      ✅  Work a leave-in into the kids' curls after the washing routine, this step is also suitable for detangling

      ✅  Seal the curls with a light gel, serum or a custard

      ✅  Let the curls air dry or blow dry them carefully with a diffuser and tie them in a light braid if necessary, the cute  scrunchies  from Flora & Curl 👧 are suitable for this 

      The refreshing:

      ✅ Celebrate  the refresh, incorporate it into your morning, evening or weekly routine and make it short and fun

      ✅  Wet the curls a little and work a leave-in or a detangling spray into the lengths, for example the Moisturizing Spray from CurlyEllie

      ✅  To make the routine more fun, the child can draw, look at a book, style their favorite doll and choose a hairstyle 🤗

      👉 Take a screenshot of the Pretty Curly Girl coloring pages and print them out for the next laundry day.


      The SAIRA CURLS team wishes you and your kids a drama-free and fun curling routine! ❤️✨🥰

      What are your best tips and tricks for caring for little ones' curls?
      Write it to us in the comments👇